加拿大保险公司确认:若疫苗致并发症或死亡 不影响索赔

加拿大保险公司确认:若疫苗致并发症或死亡 不影响索赔

包括 MANULIFE, SUNLIFE, CANADA LIFE 等各大保险公司喊话:若疫苗致并发症或死亡 不影响索赔




宏利金融保险公司(Manulife)之后在其官方推特表示:“我们可以确认,接种新冠疫苗不会对你目前的保单或有效团体利益所覆盖范围产生负面影响,亦不会影响你可能申请的保险理赔。” 来往信息属于误解。


宏利全球传讯部助理副总裁帕斯特纳克(Sean Pasternak)表示,最近在社交媒体上流传着错误的讯息,指接种疫苗可能对宏利现有人寿与健康保险覆盖(包括索赔)方面产生不利影响,或阻止加拿大人从保险中获得人寿与健康保险的赔偿,这是完全不正确的。


加拿大人寿与健康保险协会(The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Associations)亦公布,加拿大的人寿与健康保险公司,已强调接种疫苗是保护自己与他人免因新冠病毒而导致严重疾病与死亡的最有效方法之一,接受疫苗不会影响个人或工作场所的生活或健康保险政策,亦不会影响申请将来的承保范围。


永明金融集团(Sun Life)传讯部总裁奈格罗(Alessandro Nigro)表示,是否接种疫苗,对赔偿政策没有任何影响,新冠病毒及相关疫苗不会影响客户的合约条款下的索赔。

加拿大人寿保险公司(Canada Life Assurance)则表示,当获得授权卫生专业人员接种疫苗后,所产生的副作用或并发症,不会影响保险索赔。

By Reuters Fact Check 路透社报道:

Fact Check-Canadian company is not changing life insurance policies to negatively affect those who get vaccinated against COVID-19

A post seen by thousands of people on social media has said a Canadian insurance company updated its life insurance policies to negatively affect those who get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is not true. The company has since contacted the person who originally posted the claim to inform them of the opposite.

The original Feb. 26 post on Facebook has now been deleted, but not before it was copied and shared on numerous other profiles。

It was posted by a woman in Canada who said her insurance company, Manulife, would not fulfil her life insurance policy if she were to die as a result of complications caused by a COVID-19 vaccine. She said the company had told her this was due to COVID vaccines being “experimental”.

“I just spoke with my insurance company Manulife, I was curious if I got the vaccine for COVID-19 and passed away from complications, would my life insurance policy be valid,” the Facebook user said. She added: “Well guess what? Confirmed they would NOT pay out my policy because the vaccine is experimental! Wake up Canada!!! Do your research!!! Share share share.”

On March 12, the same user posted again, this time with screenshots showing an email and letter exchange between herself and a Manulife employee. One letter on Manulife-headed paper, dated March 10, said: “To confirm our call on March 5 and per our COVID-19 FAQs on Manulife.ca, COVID-19 vaccination in no way negatively impacts current insurance policies or coverage.”




Hello, We can confirm that the COVID-19 vaccination in no way negatively impacts your current insurance policies or valid Group Benefits coverage, nor does it factor into new insurance applications you may apply for with us. 1/2

Manulife has not changed its life insurance policies to negatively affect people who receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Approved COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental. They have been trialled and evidence shows them to be safe and effective.

*总结一下, 如果您已经有接种新冠疫苗,这是不会影响到您的保单索赔或者申请新的保额!

声明 Disclaimer: 以上内容是为让大家对接种疫苗与保险索赔之间的关系有一个正面的了解;所有新闻报道来自路透社Reuters Fact Check及星岛日报以及编辑整理;如果有侵权请立即联系我们;我们不承担任何法律及经济上的损失。